What Students Really Consider When Choosing a University: The Role of Student Life and More

October 10, 2024
Student Recruitment

Choosing the right university is one of the most important decisions students will make, and it’s rarely an easy one. While academics and finances are usually at the top of the list, there’s a lot more that goes into making the perfect choice. A student’s overall experience—both inside and outside the classroom—can be just as important as their degree program.

Let’s take a look at the key factors students think about when choosing a university, and how institutions can make sure they’re offering an experience that meets the needs of today’s students.

1. Location

For many students, location plays a huge role in their decision-making process. It’s not just about where the university is, but what that location means for their life. Some questions they might ask themselves are:

  • Distance from home: Should I stay close to family and friends, or am I ready to go somewhere completely new, maybe even abroad?
  • Cost of living: How much will it actually cost to live in this city? Rent, transportation, food—these can all add up quickly and make a big difference in a student’s budget.
  • Language barriers: Will I need to learn a new language? For some, that’s an exciting challenge; for others, it’s a dealbreaker.
  • Climate: This might seem small, but it matters. Some students love warmer climates, while others might thrive in cooler weather. The right environment can affect their overall happiness and energy.

Universities that clearly communicate the benefits of their location—whether it’s affordability, culture, or quality of life—can really help students make informed decisions.

2. Study Programs and Academic Resources

Of course, academics are at the core of any university decision. Students want to know if the university offers high-quality programs and if they’ll have access to the resources they need to succeed. Here’s what they’re likely to consider:

  • Quality of teaching: Are there top professors, industry connections, or research opportunities that will help me get the most out of my studies?
  • Academic facilities: Are the libraries, labs, and study spaces up to date? These resources can make a big difference in how supported a student feels throughout their academic journey.

Universities that promote not only their programs but also their commitment to student success—whether through research opportunities or state-of-the-art facilities—are much more attractive to prospective students.

3. Financial Considerations

Money is a big concern for most students. Whether they’re applying locally or thinking of going abroad, they have to balance tuition costs with the overall cost of living in that city. Students will ask:

  • What’s the tuition like?: How does it compare to other universities I’m considering?
  • How much will it cost to live there? Rent, food, transport—it all matters when calculating the true cost of a degree.
  • Are there scholarships or financial aid available? Having financial support can make a university much more accessible to students from different backgrounds.

For universities, being upfront and clear about costs and the financial help available can help ease the decision-making process for students.

4. The Importance of Student Life

While academics and finances are top priorities, student life is increasingly becoming a major deciding factor for students. According to research by Agrey and Lampagan, students care deeply about what happens outside of their lectures and seminars. They want a campus that feels alive with plenty of opportunities to get involved in activities and meet new people. Here’s what they’re looking for:

  • Extracurricular activities: Are there clubs, sports teams, and events where I can meet people and develop skills outside the classroom?
  • Campus culture: Will I feel safe and welcome here? Universities that create a friendly, inclusive environment have a big advantage.
  • Opportunities for growth: Can I get involved in leadership, volunteering, or other activities that will help me develop as a person, not just as a student?

For students, it’s about finding a place where they can thrive both academically and socially. Platforms like Uni-Life can help students explore what a university’s student life is really like, showing them all the clubs, events, and communities that make the campus experience unique. 

By investing in a vibrant and inclusive student life, universities not only attract students but also keep them engaged and connected, which leads to better outcomes—both academically and personally.

Why It All Matters for Universities

At the end of the day, students are looking for more than just a degree—they want a complete experience. They’re thinking about where they’ll live, what they’ll study, and how they’ll grow as individuals during their time at university. 

For universities, making sure they’re meeting these needs is crucial. Highlighting the right location, academic resources, affordability, and student life can make all the difference when it comes to attracting students. The more a university shows it cares about the whole student experience, the more likely it is to appeal to prospective students who want to feel both challenged and supported.

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